A handbook on Glass-Steagall banking separation, national banking, the crimes of the banks and 'bail-in'. This 132 page document provides the urgently required solutions to rebuild the national economy right as a new financial crisis is unfolding.
Time for Glass-Steagall Banking Separation and a National Bank, which deals with all aspects of the profound crisis of banking in Australia, and provides the urgently required solutions to rebuild the national economy.
These solutions pivot on two landmark pieces of legislation drafted by the Citizens Party, both of them published in the new magazine:
- The Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2019, which will force the criminal Big Four banking behemoths to break up; it is modelled upon the "Glass-Steagall” legislation American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt got Congress to enact in 1933 to rein in the tyranny of Wall Street and lift the USA out of the Great Depression, and which protected the US economy from any severe financial crises until its Wall Street-mandated repeal in 1999;
- A draft law for a "New Commonwealth National Credit Bank”, designed by the Citizens Party in 1994 to create a national bank that will finance real economic development, modelled upon two proven precedents: our original Commonwealth Bank, established in 1912, and the banking reforms enacted by the Curtin/Chifley Labor government during World War II, which overnight transformed Australia from a largely rural economy into one of the most advanced industrial powers in the world and enabled the allied victory in the Pacific during War II.