Stop the Fascist Police State Laws!
In the 1930s Depression, some of Australia's leading corporations and families sponsored mass fascist armies against the attempts of the Labor governments of Scullin and NSW Premier Jack Lang, to put the interests of the Common Good above those of the financiers. In the early 1940s, those same financiers set up the Liberal Party.
Today, a new global depression looms, and the Big Business-controlled Liberal Party has passed more police state powers (with Labor's help) than Hitler himself had in early 1933, and for the same reason—not to "fight terrorism", but to control the population.
An explosive feature report in the Citizens Electoral Council's April 2004 New Citizen newspaper "names the names" of the financial interests who pushed fascism then, and who are pushing it today: "The Pro-Hitler, Fascist Origins of the Liberal Party". It is an urgent contribution to stop the creeping fascist takeover now in progress.
Book Review: Treason in High Places—The Brisbane Line
Film Review: Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"
LaRouche: The Night They Came to Kill Me
Economic Rationalism: The New Name for Schachtian Economics
Defeat the Synarchists—Fight for a National Bank
I. The Synarchy:A Fascist World Empire
Who Are the Synarchists?
The Synarchist Beast-men
II. National Banking—The Cornerstone of Sovereignty
LaRouche on National Banking
Australia’s Battle for Sovereignty and a National Bank
The Money Power vs. the Whitlam Government
A New National Bank
III. The Pro-Hitler, Fascist Origins of the Liberal Party
The 1930s Synarchist Assault on Australia
Jack Lang and Frank Anstey on the Synarchy
The "Red Menace" and the Fascist "Citizens Leagues"
The Stormtroopers—I: The League for National Security
The Collins House Group
Herbert Brookes and the Secret Armies
The Stormtroopers—II: The Old Guard and the New Guard
The Liberal Party: The New Face of Synarchism
The Synarchy's Political Parties
The Lying Mass Media
Robert Gordon Menzies: Would-be Petain of Britain
The "New Liberalism": The Old Fascism
Friedrich von Hayek, Founding Father of the Liberal Party
"The Association": Old Guard and LNS Regroup
Post-War Fascism: The Mont Pelerin Society
Mont Pelerin's Puppets: Liberal and Labor
The Macquarie Bank
The MPS Think Tanks
Liberal Party Funding
Populism: The Enemy Within
Hanson, Costello: One Coward, One Liar
The Politics of Fear
IV. The Fascist Laws
Australia's 'Notverordnung'
V. The Privy Council's Anti-Defamation Commission: An Arm of Synarchy
Sir Zelman Cowen: Picking Up Where the Old Guard Left Off
Cowen's Role Model: The Old Guard's Sir John Latham
The ADC/Leibler Gang: Foreign Wars and a Domestic Police State
The "Anti-Defamation" Racket
The Review: A Front for the Money Power
Jabotinsky: A Jewish Fascist
A Typical Synarchist Operative: David Greason
The AIR Crowd: Covering Up for the Holocaust
LaRouche's Record on Fighting Racism
LaRouche on Anti-Semitism