On 28-29 March 2015 the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia sponsored a remarkable international conference in Melbourne, under the above title. The conference heard that the rapid emergence of the BRICS group of nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), coming just as the Anglo-American- dominated trans-Atlantic system heads for likely the worst financial crash ever, marks a turning point in human history. Speakers came from around the world and ranged across the political spectrum, among them being guests from BRICS members Russia and South Africa.
Panel 1 - The World Land-Bridge: It’s Being Built!
Opening to the conference and a Tribute to Malcolm Fraser
Craig Isherwood, CEC Chorus and Robert Barwick
Keynote Address: A New Model of Relations among Nations
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and Chairman of the Schiller Institute
The Power of the BRICS Process: Views from Russia
Prof. Georgy Toloraya, Executive Director, Russian National Committee for BRICS Research
Russia’s Strategic Engagement with BRICS: a Geostrategic Perspective
Dr Alexey Muraviev, Curtin University, Perth, WA
Questions for Prof. Georgy Toloraya and Dr. Alexey Muraviev
The Power of the BRICS Process: Views from the United Kingdom
Introduction to interviews — Gabrielle Peut, CEC Executive Member
Michael Meacher, MP
Jeremy Corbyn, MP
Robert Oulds, Director of the Bruges Group
Panel 2 - A Global Financial Crash, or New Credit Systems?
The Unfolding Global Financial Crash and Nascent New Institutions
Paul Gallagher, Economics Intelligence Director, EIR
The Hamiltonian Revolution and FDR’s Glass-Steagall
Robert Barwick, CEC Executive Member and Research Director
The Australian Precedents for a Hamiltonian Credit System
Craig Isherwood, CEC National Secretary
Panel 3 - World War III, or a New Global Renaissance?
Report from Ukraine
Dr Natalia Vitrenko, former MP, leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine
The Strategic Showdown with Russia and China
Jeffrey Steinberg, Counterintelligence Director, EIR
Who Is Sponsoring International Terrorism?
Glen Isherwood, CEC Researcher
Panel 4 - The World Land-Bridge: It's Being Built! (continuation)
China: Great Infrastructure Projects at Home and Abroad
Jeremy Beck, CEC Victoria State Chairman
China’s Helium-3 Revolution
Benjamin Deniston, LaRouche Policy Institute
The BRICS Process is Transforming Ibero-America
Dennis Small, Ibero-America Intelligence Director, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)
Developing Egypt through the BRICS
Hussein Askary, Arabic Language Editor, EIR
Developing Africa through the BRICS
Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane, leader of LaRouche South Africa